Kids Belong is currently accepting applications for First Place! — go to the application page at
Youth who age out of foster care have more obstacles than their peers who did not grow up in foster care. With First Place, we have an opportunity to help them succeed.
Housing is a major obstacle for aged out youth. Turning 18 out of foster care means youth have no credit or rental history. This makes finding an adequate apartment very difficult, which leaves kids holding on to negative or unsafe living situations simply to have a place to stay. With energy being directed toward finding housing or sustaining an unsafe housing situation, youth have a harder taking taking steps toward their future just at the time when they need them the most.
We have an opportunity to provide safe, stable housing for youth, helping them get their first place, an apartment of their own. In this transitional space, they can learn to budget, pay rent (on a graduated scale), take care of their own place, and do it all with a supportive family and community nearby to help them succeed. The will build credit and rental history until they are ready and able to get an apartment and be self sufficient.
Our plan is to build as many as 14 rental units in Muskegon (7 duplexes), on a property in a perfect location near the bus line, the highway, and walking distance from a college, a tech school, and all with a support family right next door. Our first duplex with 2 apartments is opening in April of 2024. Construction on duplexes 2 and 3 (4 more apartments) will begin later spring 2024. Fundraising is underway now for duplex number 4.
Kids Belong is asking for donations to support this important project. We believe that providing safe and stable housing means fewer youth in dangerous living situations who are better able to pursue education and employment, setting them up for more success in life. Our goal is independence and self sufficiency. Youth who age out of foster care are capable of achieving these things, they just might need a little more help getting there. Providing them their First Place will be a big step in the right direction.
If there is a wall between aged out youth and their own self sufficiency, then First Place is the ladder that will help them get over it.
As we raise the funds, we will build more apartments and house more youth. The progress image above shows which unit we are currently raising funds for and how far to go until we can begin construction on it.
How To Donate
By Mail:
Checks can be made out to Kids Belong. Please write “First Place” in the memo line to give toward this project and mail to:
Kids Belong
277 Shonat St
Muskegon, MI 49442
Online by Credit Card via Paypal:
Give Through Muskegon Community Foundation:
You can now also give to First Place through the Muskegon Community Foundation! This is a great option for those who would like to give through the foundation and/or give in other ways such as through Apple/Google pay, direct bank transfers, stocks, or through an IRA or a Donor Advised Fund
Click here to give to the First Place Building Fund through CMF